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更新时间:2024-06-08 22:50:29|编辑:加西娱乐网 |浏览次数:0



The little boy planted a seed. It grew into a tree. He learned patience.


故事:He tried and tried, but couldn't lift the heavy box.

The Kind Ant and the Grateful Grasshopper
Once, a grasshopper fell into a deep well. It struggled and cried, but no one heard. Then, an ant passing by heard the cries and looked down. Seeing the grasshopper in distress, the ant quickly climbed down a vine and helped the grasshopper out.
The grasshopper was grateful and asked, "Why did you help me?" The ant smiled and said, "Because I know what it's like to be in need. One day, you might help me too." The grasshopper learned the value of kindness and promised to pass it on.
The moral of the story is: Be kind and help those in need, because you never know when you might need help too.

Here's a 25-word English micro-story:

"The traveler found a magic lamp and wished for world peace. Suddenly, a genie appeared and granted his wish."


1.The Lost Wallet

 One day, John lost his wallet on his way to work. He was worried all day until someone called and said they found it. John was relieved and grateful.

2.The Clever Fox 

A fox wanted to eat some grapes that were too high for him to reach. He decided to tell himself they were probably sour anyway, and walked away.

3.The Magic Shoes

